It is a monographic research; the author declares in the Introduction, that “the book is an issue in the designed series of essays on the history of foreign sects in Russia”. It was conceived to fill the gap in Russian studies, because of the lack of “special works on the history of the sect of Mennonites in Russia”. The book contains rich material on the history of the dissemination of the Mennonites discipline in Russia, the contemporary economic state of their communities, their system of education, their attitude to the conscription, their belief and liturgy, the peculiarities of their organization, and the “inner history of the sect” in Russia. The research was made on the base of earlier published sources in various languages, as well as on the personal author’s observations made in his trips in 1915, and on the archival materials of various state institutions: the Department of Common Affairs, the Department of the State Property, the Spiritual Departments; some documents were gathered by the author through his request to some provincial authorities and volost administration.